On behalf of the entire Local Committee, we would like to invite you to the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering, Technology and Applications on Power Systems (ICAETA), which will be held from July 31- August 1, 2025. The conference is organized by School of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Liaoning, China. The conference will be held in both In-Person and Online mode.

The conference will also provide a unique opportunity for sharing experiences from different backgrounds with a common interest in advanced methods in the above-mentioned fields. The scientific program of ICAETA 2024 will include the presentation of invited plenary talks, regular sessions, poster sessions and some special sessions. ICAETA will serve as an essential arena where academicians, scientists, researchers and industry professionals from multiple disciplines around the world can present their research results and share ideas.

Authors are invited to submit full papers for consideration in the conference. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three independent reviewers. Only accepted papers will be presented in the conference and published in the conference proceedings. The acceptance will be based on originality, significance and technical soundness.

Accepted papers that meet quality requirements will be published in the Springer book series Lecture Notes in Networks and System (LNNS ) . LNNS is indexed in well known databses such as SCOPUS, DBLP, INSPEC, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series, SCImago , WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH

ICAETA offers a forum for researchers proposing solutions meeting the operational needs of industryto meet the industry's operational needs. The conference is hence targeted both at researchers working on innovative technology and experts developing tools in the field. The goal of the conference iconference aims to attract papers investigating the use of technology outside the controlled environment of research laboratories. It intends to offer a venue for theory and data-driven techniques.

The conference will facilitate the young researchers, industries, and research agencies especially, those, who are carrying out their research work in the domain of Computer Science, Information Technology, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering with valuable discussions in order, those who are carrying out their research work in the domain of Computer Science, Information Technology, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering with valuable discussions to make the outcomes more realistic.

With best regards,

General Chair(s)
Dr. Fausto Pedro Garcia Marquez
Dr. Alaa Ali Hameed
Dr. Yuxian Zhang