Important Dates

Description Deadline
Paper Submission Deadline April 10, 2024
Notification to Authors April 30, 2024
Camera Ready Submission May 20, 2024
Registration Deadline May 15, 2024
Conference Dates May 24-25, 2024

Submission Guidelines

You can submit your papers to ICAETA using Microsot CMT Services. All authors must adhere to the following submission guidelines:

  • Papers should be written in English and formatted according to the Springer Format one-column page format.
  • Papers must have a length of 12-15 pages in LNCS format. For more detailed guidelines, please visit official Springer Guidelines website.
  • Papers submitted after deadline will not be considered.
  • Paper published previously will not be accepted.
  • All papers will be peer reviewed by at least three reviewers.
  • The paper should define the scope of the paper, emphasizing new advances, theories and/or applications and include an analysis of results.

Registration Information

At least one author of each accepted paper should register and pay the fee to present the paper in the conference. The full fee includes the attendance of the conference, and access to the proceedings. All payments are non-refundable.

Payment Instructions

  • In the description for the payments, you must mention your paper information as shown below:
    Replace PaperID with your paper ID and name of the first author.
  • Please send a proof of the registration payment to or
  • r. Alaa Abdulkhaleq Hussein, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Student must send a valid student ID along with the receipt

Early Registration (on or before May 10, 2024)

Registration Type In-Person ($) Online ($)
Regular 400 250
Student * 350 200
Extra Page Fee 50 50
Participant (Non-Author) 200 100

Student Author *: The first author must be a student, otherwise registration fee for regular authors will be charged.

Late Registration (after May 10, 2024)

Registration Type In-Person ($) Online ($)
Regular 450 300
Student * 400 250
Extra Page Fee 50 50
Participant (Non-Author) 200 100

Student Author *: The first author must be a student, otherwise registration fee for regular authors will be charged.

Camera-ready Guidelines

Instructions: Author can either use Latex or Word format for submission of camera ready paper. For latex format, authors must upload the original sourcce files in .ZIP as well as upload the pdf version of your paper.

For your convenience, we have provided both Latex and Word Template here:

Also, Copyright Form is mandaroty for publication with springer. You must fill the following form and upload to CMT along with Camera-Ready Paper.

All authors must adhere to the following submission guidelines for your camera-ready paper:

  • The authors must address the changes suggested by the reviewers. The papers will be reviewed once again to make sure that authors have addressed all suggested changes.
  • Papers must be formatted according to the Springer Format (one-column page).
  • The camera-ready version of the paper must be updated in the Microsoft CMT Services by by the camera-ready deadline.
  • Papers must be within the page limit defined by Springer: 12-15 pages.
  • The similarity of the papers must not exceed 15%.

Presentation Guidelines

All authors are requested to follow the following guidelines for preparation of your presentation slides:

  • Since the conference is conducted both in In-Person and online, guidelines for joining in person are given in the Venue section. For online attendees, Google Meet link will be shared soon with you.
  • The allocated time for each paper is 15 minutes. The presenter will present the paper for 10-12 minutes followed by a 1-3 minutes Question/Answer session.
  • We encourage you to put ICAETA Conference logo, Title in the background of presentation.
  • Authors must make sure good internet connection and uninterrupted electricity to avoid any unintended circumstances.
  • The slide design should be as simple as possible. Avoid using paragraphs in the slides. They should be compact and to the point.
  • Audiance are requested to ask questions during the Q/A session at the end of presenation.
  • The conference spans over two days. Different sessions will be arranged and you will present your paper live in your specified session. Conference program will be shared soon.

Payment Details

  • Please contact for details about registrataion. Use title of your email as "ICAETA-2024 Registration Information". Please mention your paperID in the email.
  • In the description for the payments, you must mention your paper information as shown:
  • * For Student authors, send your valid student ID as a proof.
  • Payment receipt must be sent to: and CC

Publication and Indexing


  • All accepted papers will be published by Springer in the Book Series Lecture Notes in Networks and System (LNNS).
  • One author must register and present the paper in the conference.
  • All papers must be formatted and at least one author of accepted papers must register in order to appear in the proceedings.
  • All authors must complete the copyright forms.
Lecture Notes in Networks and System (LNNS) book Series

LNNS is currently indexed in the following databases:

  • DBLP
  • WTI Frankfurt eG
  • Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
  • SCImago
  • zbMATH

Review Process

  • Each paper will be reviewed by at least three independent experts in respective fields.
  • The similarity index must not exceed 15%. Any paper not meeting this requirement will be rejected straight away
  • All papers must be written in English.
  • The papers must be within the domain of the conference.

Awards & Participation

  • All participants will be provided with Participation Certificate
  • A best paper certificate will be awarded to top paper recommended by reviewers and sessin chairs.
  • Members of PC, Reviewers will be given their respecive certificates.